Is there a purpose
Of course there is. Every day there is a purpose to bring
you knowledge, spiritual awareness, spiritual insight, light, freedom and the
opportunities to move beyond your current understanding of who you are. You
have so much more to be you will never be bored because you can only ever
What one thing could we do to learn today?
The best answer is for you to always be present. Today you
will find some more information in yourself just because you are present. As
soon as you become distracted you will feel that there is a spinning sensation
and the world will become less clear and precise and you will find yourself
becoming lost in the mundane and then there is no lesson available because you
will be busy in your mind and body. For every minute that you are present you
are completely connected with your mind and your body and you are within the
space of the very centre that is you. For every minute that you are not you are
distracted not from your life purpose but from you who is the life purpose.
Is that it? Is there anything else we can do?
No. Just be present.
By being present you will see, feel, experience and develop more skills
than you ever could have thought possible and you will never be bored or feel
trapped by the mundane because when you are present there is no mundane there
is only what is happening now.
If you could recommend one thing for 2012 what would it be?
To find the space within you that is the entirety it is the
essence and the being. To find this space within you, every day, will bring you
the clarity you seek, the expansiveness and yet the presence of mind and body
to also be living in the now.
Wherever you are, sit comfortably, with your back straight.
Close your eyes and take three deep breaths. Now holding this presence of mind
and body read the following words as if you were in a guided meditation.
With your next breath bring your attention to what you
understand as the centre of you, wherever this is uniquely for you. Bring your
awareness 100% on this centre and allow your whole being to reside there. Now
take a few moments to breathe into this centre. Focus your thoughts on this
centre as you would a candle, or your breath, in meditation. Bring all your
attention to this centre and keep focusing on this until there is nothing else
but what you are in the centre of yourself. As you hold the focus feel how it
changes from a mass, to a light, to an energy, to a nothing and then everything.
Feel it as it contracts and then as it expands. Feel how it is glowing,
expanding, shining. As it expands try
not to get caught up in the feeling of this and keep bringing your focus to the
one point that is the centre of you. Let your centre continue to expand or
contract and feel how the energy and the mass and light collapses within you
and expands indefinitely.
Sit with this for a while....
(a note for
consideration; allow your guided self to find the centre and its understanding
of centre may not be in the centre of your physical could be anywhere
do not be limited by your human understanding of this word)